Eco-Friendly Cloud
As a long-time MS cloud partner, we are helping educational institutions make a smooth transition to the cloud.
Using our cloud computing technology, you can significantly decrease the energy usage and carbon emission compared to the traditional on-premises method. According to the joint research done by MS and WSP, organizations by adopting the cloud, under 100 persons were able to reduce at least 90% of their energy consumption and carbon emission rate.
Through CGTae Inc, currently more than 10 educational institutions have migrated to the cloud, and we have been effectively managing some their digital resources on their behalf.
YSLME Project
YSLME (Yellow-Sea Large Marine Ecosystem) is a project launched by GEF(Global Environment Facility) and UNDP(United Nations Development Prgramme) to conserve the Yellow Sea Ecosystem. Throughout the duration of the project, both Korea and China’s policy makers, experts, relevant organizations and so on, cooperated.
Currently we cooperated with the YSLME secretariat, the UN’s affiliated organization. We helped the UNESCAP East and North-East Asia Office promote the YSLME project. We built the YSLME business’s promotion website, adopted the cloud web hosting method, and employed the RSS customizing function.

Environment Protection Project
We have launched our own follow-up project, named ‘West Sea Protection Project), to raise awareness of the serious on-going sea pollution, especially around the Yellow Sea area.
We upload various contents on Instagram(@project_west_sea) and Naver Blog. Internally, we have company-wide events that encourage eco-friendly actions.